I don't get a, "That's it!" feel. I feel compelled to run with HowGiving.com at full steam and - I'm thinking - that is part of the answer. How can HowGiving.com fulfill a compulsion to make this world a better place, more than just for its members?
How about by funneling a large chunk of profit directly to charity? Almost like an auto-draw from the bank into your investment account, except the investment is into the betterment of mankind.
Like it. Going to do it. Feels like "That's it!" in a big way.
Here's how I picture it working: It would depend on member sentiment. Of course, it will begin with a personal skew - some of my favorite charities - but would evolve into a member-driven list from which to choose in 'Account Preferences'. Say, five charities that would ebb and flow with the world's greatest needs, perhaps starting with ...
- American Cancer Society (finding a cure),
- WorldVision (feeding the world's poor),
- American Red Cross (emergency response),
- Kiva.org (micro-loans to 3rd world nations),
- American Heart Association (fighting heart disease)
... and so on.
So - in the end - the people (members) who are striving to be more "giving" will be doing so more than they know. Acknowledging those dear to them AND contributing to the greater good.
How giving is that?
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