As Founders of HowGiving, we've made an intentional plan of engaging in mission response beyond what our app is intended to do. We've established a model of response that includes our very families, serving within our community in hands-on mission.

There is probably nothing more rewarding than serving along side your children and spouse. The seed that is planted each time we serve will bear mighty fruit through the lives of our children. We want to put into practice our best intentions.
This past weekend our families joined in response providing clean up assistance for a couple in need of help due to health problems. It was a small project that didn't take long but made an indelible impression on each one of us knowing the help this provided. Our kiddos were amazing, handling tools, scrubbing, cleaning. As parents, we are so very proud.
We invite you to consider engaging your family in a hands-on giving response in your community. The needs are there whom much is given, much is required.
Be encouraged!
Posted by Brian K. Crowe, BAOM
Co-Founder, CCO of HowGiving
With over 20 years in domestic
and international non-profit
experience, Brian recognizes the
invaluable strength of service
to those in need
Here here! What a feeling, giving selflessly for once. We spend so much of our lives focused on US, and not enough on THEM - the least of these who need our help. Here's to many, many more family giving outings.