Monday, May 12, 2014

Who's Your Daddy?

How important has Dad been in your life?  

For me, his influence has been paramount in becoming the well-adjusted and confident person I am today.  Ethereal concepts like integrity, honor, and altruism became more and more solidified through the years.  He lead by example, showing me how to be a good husband, a good citizen, a good neighbor, and a strong man of faith.  I see those who are without a father in their lives and I shiver ... everyone needs a father figure guiding them, along with the Mom's we just celebrated.

Father's Day is on Sunday, June 15th. 

So, no matter if he was a "perfect father" in your eyes, or if he was barely there, or somewhere in between, celebrate his presence in your life.

If "Dad" is an Uncle, a Grandfather, a Step-Dad, or a coach, a teacher, or a pastor/priest/rabbi ... celebrate his part in your life.

He deserves your appreciation, your respect and your love.

So, who IS your Daddy?  Let me provide you a list of those we should all acknowledge this Father's Day:

  1. Dear old Dad.  He's the man.  
  2. Grampa.  Both of them, if you're lucky enough to still have them in your life.
  3. Your Father-in-Law.  Say thanks for raising your spouse.
  4. Have a Step-Father?  He's been there for your Mom - thank him.
  5. Uncles.  Crazy ones, weird ones, fun ones ... celebrate them as a father-figure in your life.
  6. Brothers with kiddos.  They are stepping up to be the fathers they were meant to be.  Acknowledge that.
  7. Male Coaches and Teachers.  They both taught you so much.  Say thanks.
  8. Your Pastor, your parish Priest, your Rabbi ... they've faithfully conveyed to you our Father's instructions.  They are irreplaceable in our lives.  Let's say thanks.
  9. That neighbor or family friend who influenced you, or continues to influence you positively.  Send out a big thanks. provides a simple and quick way to acknowledge them all.  First step ... go to and click on LogIn.  With your Facebook creds, you'll be whisked into a world of giving that you've likely not experienced before.  

Get him something cool, something tasty, or just get him a customized card.  He's been the main man in your life and - let's face it - you love the big lug.

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